Have it all blog Jun 07, 2018

So many strive to have it all! Here’s the recipe most use.

Blood, sweat and tears go into the mixing bowl. Add lots of worry and a pinch of resentment since you haven’t attained it all...

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Closeness blog May 24, 2018

Reading Hosea gives us a glimpse into Gods heart for us, His kids. He desires a close, intimate fellowship with us. How amazing is that?

What is so fascinating to me is how easily we all wander...

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Power Words 2018 blog q2 May 10, 2018

God spoke and worlds were created, planets and systems all formed and took their place. 

Jesus said you can speak to the mountain in front of you to throw itself into the sea and it will do...

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Transitions blog Apr 26, 2018

Transitions are usually unwelcome seasons. We want things to be different than our present circumstances. We want to attain goals. We want to experience new things. 

Guess what? Not going to...

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Strength blog Apr 12, 2018

Strength is a life force that enables us to accomplish tasks. It enables us to feel fully alive and ready to take on whatever comes our way. 

Situations in life, however, deplete our strength....

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Peace blog Mar 29, 2018

When we think of peace we often picture “all is well” and life is peachy keen.

The worlds peace is that false concept therefore most are stressed trying to obtain that ideal.

Isaiah 53...

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Make a date blog Mar 15, 2018

How long has it been since you made a date with God? Time spent just enjoying hanging out with no agenda?

We tend to be such creatures of habit. We go to church, read our Bible, pray,...

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Decisions blog Mar 01, 2018

Right or left? Up or down? Buy or sell? Life is packed with decisions to make.

Decisions always have a consequence or outcome.

People often say, “go with your gut.” Or “your first...

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Power blog Feb 15, 2018

Another word for power is ability. 

How is ability acquired? Practice, practice, practice. 

Through practice our skills develop and our wisdom increases in how to function with the...

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Graciousness blog Feb 01, 2018

Life has a way of trying to keep us off balance. In Christ we are able to keep our stability as we are aligned with Him. 

Strengthening your inner core is key to maintaining balance with our...

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