
blog Apr 12, 2018

Strength is a life force that enables us to accomplish tasks. It enables us to feel fully alive and ready to take on whatever comes our way. 

Situations in life, however, deplete our strength. For example: 

In the natural, hard work, exercise and long hours without rest takes its toll. 

Emotionally we loose strength through severe losses, thwarted hopes and expectations unfulfilled. 

Spiritually we are drained of strength when we pour out to others for extended periods of time. 

In every one of these arena’s we can understand where our strength is lost. The good news is we have a source of continual strength available to us 24/7. 

David penned these words recorded in I Chronicles 16:11. “Look to The Lord and His strength; seek His face always.”

Ahh, the secret has been unlocked! God’s strength is a never ending source from which He gives us continual access. As His child we can run to Him and receive power, ability and energy to keep on keepin’ on! 

Tap into Him. His high octane premium fuel is fully available through the Holy Spirit to fill your tank. 

How to access His strength you ask? Good question! 

David put it this way in verses 8-10. “Give praise to The Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek The Lord rejoice.”

Praise The Lord! 


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