Have it all

blog Jun 07, 2018

So many strive to have it all! Here’s the recipe most use.

Blood, sweat and tears go into the mixing bowl. Add lots of worry and a pinch of resentment since you haven’t attained it all yet. Bake in a hot oven of long days and nights until burned to a crisp. 

Let it chill, then frost with an icing made of swag and a “I’m too cool” smirk. Sprinkle with colorful antidotes of all your accolades that are sure to impress. 

Cut into BIG pieces and serve to everyone to show them you’ve got it all! 

My recipe: invite Jesus into every aspect of your life. Mix well. Add several cups of repentance and gratitude as you stir in a hefty pinch of wonder that His love for you is so great! 

Let mixture rest in Him. Frost with your spiritual prayer language and sprinkle with joy unspeakable and full of glory. 

Serve with humility and offer each one as much as they want. 

Yep, it’s a blessing to have it all! When you have Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and The Fathers heart you’ve got it all and more besides. 

Enough to share with others and still have it all. Awesome! 


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