
blog Apr 26, 2018

Transitions are usually unwelcome seasons. We want things to be different than our present circumstances. We want to attain goals. We want to experience new things. 

Guess what? Not going to happen without the season of transition. 

Change requires change. Changed habits. Thinking. Skill sets. Sometimes different relationships. Move to a new city, country or job.  A lot goes into making a change happen. In that season we have opportunity to gain insight into our spiritual fruit development. 

How’s our patience coupled with long suffering and gentleness coming along. What about meekness mixed with self-control and joy. You get the idea…

It’s easy to be a fruit inspector looking at the lives around us. Transition seasons give us opportunity to check our own fruit.  Hopefully when the change materializes you will be able to see its benefit and how God was working throughout the entire process making you into His likeness. 


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