Wonderful Things

dr judy bauer Nov 17, 2022

"What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these? Since God is on our side, who can ever be against us? Since He did not spare even His own Son for us but gave Him up for us all, won't He also surely give us everything else?" Romans 8:31-32

People have asked how could a loving God give up His Son to die on an old rugged cross?

Think of our men and women who enlist in the military! They are saying, "I'm willing to fight for my country...even to the point of death." Think of the parents of those who choose that road for the cause of God, country and family. It's an honorable decision.

In like manner, Jesus volunteered for His assignment. Father God understood His desire to go, to take your place and mine. It was an honorable decision.

"What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these?"

FIRST: Thank You, Jesus, for giving Your life for mine. Now...

SECOND: I enlist in Your cause to get the skills I need to be effective sharing the good news of Your great love with my mission field. (Those I know, love and care about.) There's always room to grow in YOUR ability to share spiritual truths. That's an honorable decision.

Imagine your joy as you participate in their conversion to Christ.
Picture their joy being transformed immediately through the new birth, then watching their relationship with Jesus grow.
Now, imagine the joy on Jesus' face as they enter His glorious family.
"For I am NOT ashamed of the Good News about Christ. It is God's powerful method of bringing all who believe it to heaven." Romans 1:16

In my 50 years of sharing the Gospel and teaching others how to minister, I continue to hone my own skills.

Yes, I do. Why?

It is a worthy use of my time and resources.  It demonstrates my devotion to Jesus that what matters to Him matters to me.

 Sadly, many Christians have no desire to invest in this area. Or, they did once years ago and now they sit on the shelf collecting dust. 

If we have His heart for the lost, we will continue to seek to excel to bring honor to God who has chosen us to advance His kingdom. 

Did you know? Up to 90% of people come to Christ through a friend or family member.

Did you know? Each one you bring to Christ and disciple has, on average, 10-12 unsaved friends or family members.

Imagine how many lives YOU can influence for Christ?

Eternity matters and so does the here and now. 

People are counting on you. Jesus is counting on you. 

 I am thrilled to share an opportunity that will give YOU a way to learn how to minister with confidence and boldness. Anytime, anyplace and anywhere.

After years spent in development, learning the technology needed to put it all together and investing thousands of hours, dollars, blood-sweat-and-many-tears to build a way to pour my 50 years of life experiences into believers who are hungry to follow in Jesus' footsteps...

it's called KAM MENTORSHIP Membership.

For less than a half tank of gas and flexible time involvement YOU can become a skilled effective Ambassador for Christ.

It's an affordable online Bible School with practical, anointed, time-tested, proven strategies with God-given downloads that will qualify any believer to reap harvest after harvest.

You will have reproducible materials to download, at your fingertips, so you're always ready to fish for men and make disciples.

No contracts. You can cancel at any time. 

PLUS, the KAM MENTORSHIP Membership includes LIVE ongoing training and equipping on a variety of topics to help you continue to stretch, grow and take new territory in Jesus' name. 

  • This is for the new Christian.
  • This is for the seasoned saint.
  • This is for Pastors, church planters and missionaries.
  • This is for every believer who has God 's heart and who understands the value of continual training, inspiration and motivation 'til Jesus' comes to keep the main thing the main thing. 

Eternity hangs in the balance.

Will you let people you know, love and care about discover God's love through you? 


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