Renewed Hope and Cheer

dr judy bauer faith hope Dec 09, 2022

"Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me  renewed hope and cheer."  Psalm 94:19

Distraction. Confusion. Chaos. Turmoil. Anxiety. Feeling off-balance. These are tactics the enemy uses along with his weapons of mass-destruction: fear, intimidation and unworthiness. You are not ignorant of his devices, are you?  II Corinthians 2:11

God has a place of peace, rest and comfort for you. It's found in Him. He will quiet you and give you renewed hope and cheer. 

Spending time sitting in His presence is a luxury afforded to VIPs in God's kingdom: His children. He's waiting for you to join Him there. Let's go!



It's  TIME:

KAM MENTORSHIP is for Christians, Pastors, Missionaries, Church Planters, everyone who is passionate about Jesus and advancing His kingdom.

Are you a Past or Present KAMer? Exciting news! Finally, we can work, in real time together, to advance God's kingdom building a global army of on-fire, anointed, skilled, let's-take-territory-for-Jesus 2022 and beyond KAMers. 

Never had KAM training?  Oh my, you don't know what you're missing. It's life changing. It's an opportunity to do kingdom business with other like-minded, sold-out-to-Jesus believers. 

Eternity matters and so does the here and now! 

Don't wait another minute...

The door is open to enroll in the KAM MENTORSHIP Membership. 

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