No more Shame

dr judy bauer Nov 16, 2022

Shame is a powerful deterrent. Jesus was humiliated, mocked, scorned and ridiculed. He was despised, forsaken and even abandoned by His own family and inner circle. The crowds who adored Him shouted for His crucifixion. Bleeding, naked and vulnerably nailed to a rugged cross, Jesus experienced a depth of shame that the enemy hoped would deter God's love-plan for humanity. 

It didn't work! Hallelujah!

Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus despised the shame. In other words, He disregarded it or paid little attention to it. His focus was on the joy up ahead when you would give your life to Him and become His own.  O happy day!

Fast forward to our day. Most Christians have never shared their faith. Nor have they dedicated themselves to learn how to conversationally and relationally minister to others with the Gospel, healing, baptism in the Holy Spirit or how to mentor a new believer.

The reason: shame. What if I lose friends or they make fun of me?

Be like Jesus! Disregard the lie of shame the devil is dangling in front of you. Don't give shame the time of day. 

  • Focus on your joy as you participate in their conversion to Christ. 
  • Picture their joy being transformed immediately through the new birth. 
  • Now, imagine the joy on Jesus' face as they enter His glorious family. 

"For I am NOT ashamed of the Good News about Christ. It is God's powerful method of bringing all who believe it to heaven." Romans 1:16

In my 50 years of sharing the Gospel and teaching others how to minister, I am still heavily invested in honing my own skills. Yes, I do. Why? It is a worthy use of my time, resources and it demonstrates my devotion to Jesus that what matters to Him matters to me.

It's been my experience in ministering to 10's of thousands of people and working with Pastors and church leaders in over 20 countries across denominational and cultural lines...that the one skillset ALL believers are weak in is knowing how to confidently share spiritual truths in a way that people can receive. We can change that! You can change that for you!

Sadly, the majority of Christians have no desire to invest in this area.

When I speak of an opportunity to learn how to be more effective it falls on disinterested ears and hearts no longer crying out for the souls of mankind to be saved. What did Jesus say about losing your first love?  Revelation 2:4

As we move through Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday we reflect on the price Jesus was willing to pay to redeem mankind. 

If we have His heart, we too will have a desire to seek to excel to bring honor to God who has chosen us to advance His kingdom. We, like Jesus, are ready to lay down our lives so that others may find Christ.

Up to 90% of people come to Christ through a friend or family member.

How many lives are you leaving on the table for the enemy of their soul to devour. 

Each one you bring to Christ and disciple has, on average, 10-12 unsaved friends or family members.

Imagine how many people Christians walk away from because they don't want to take the time or invest any money or effort in seeing them saved.

Eternity matters and so does the here and now. 

People are counting on you. Jesus is counting on you. 

I am thrilled to share that I've created an opportunity that gives every Christian a way to learn how to minister with confidence and boldness, to get rid of any residue of shame when it comes to not sharing Christ.

I launched it last week after years spent in development and learning the technology needed to put it all together. I've invested thousands of hours, money, blood-sweat-and-many-tears to build a way to pour my 50 years of life experiences into believers who are hungry to follow in Jesus' footsteps. Christians who want a front row seat to miracles!

It's called KAM MENTORSHIP Membership. For less than a half tank of gas and with flexible time involvement any Christian can step up to the plate and hit a home run.

It's an affordable online Bible School with practical, anointed, time-tested, proven strategies, God-given downloads that will qualify any believer to reap harvest after harvest.

You will have reproducible materials to download, at your fingertips, so you're always ready to fish for men and make disciples.

  • This is for the new Christian.
  • This is for the seasoned saint.
  • This is for Pastors, church planters and missionaries.
  • This is for every believer who has God 's heart and who understands the value of continual training, inspiration and motivation 'til Jesus' comes to keep the main thing the main thing. 

Eternity hangs in the balance.

This is your watch...will you let people you know, love and care about slip into eternity without Christ?

Cause that's the real shame that will stick with you forever. 

Prayer Corner:
"Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me for letting my first love grow lukewarm. I profess a love for the lost around me, however, I see my actions don't line up.

I haven't been eager to learn and keep growing in this area. I've felt like I already know these things. I can see I've deceived myself and given myself an escape clause to appease my soul.

I repent of my lack of desire to seek to excel, to surround myself with like-minded people who have Your heart for the souls of mankind.

I purpose to get involved, to jump in and immerse myself in developing my skills in sharing Your good news truths so that many will escape the horrors of hell.

I make the quality decision to become a skilled fisher of men and disciple maker.

Thank You, Jesus, for demonstrating the length You went to for my redemption. How can I give You less of myself. Like John, I say, 'You must increase and I must decrease.'




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