
attitude dr judy bauer faith Nov 18, 2022

"With God all things are possible!"  Matthew 19:26

"Those who trust in the Lord are  like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people, both now and forevermore."  Psalm 125:1-2

What is unshakeable faith? Is is your trust in God and His ability to keep you no matter what your circumstances. Unshakeable faith cannot be tossed to and fro.

Why? You refuse to let go of your grip on God's love and faithfulness to you.  Ephesians 4:14

Picture God's arms wrapped around you as a cocoon. He surrounds you with His strength, power and might. No harm can touch you that He will not work out for your good. Romans 8:28

Lean into Him. Rest in Him. Trust Him. Sit with Him at The Quiet Brook (shameless plug for my latest book) and listen to His heart as He speaks to your spirit words of life, power and wisdom. 

"With God all things are possible." 


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