The Word is ALIVE

dr judy bauer mentorship the word Nov 21, 2022

"So is My Word that goes out from My mouth: it will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."  Isaiah 55:11

God's power and might is awe-inspiring. When He makes a declaration, it is so. He is will able to accomplish anything He has promised. 

In fact, when God Speaks, His faith flows and that which He declared comes into being. He makes something out of nothing. You serve a mighty God.

God give His children many promises. They are not empty promises. They will come to pass. They will achieve the purpose for which they were given. God is faithful to His Word. What He has stated, He will do. 

His Word is ALIVE and it accomplishes and achieves the purpose for which it was spoken.

What promises of God have been spoken over your life?  They shall come to pass in Jesus' name. 

Over the years I have received many prophetic words. They contained the promises of God regarding His PLAN of KAM that He downloaded to me in 1979. I've seen many of those words come to pass.

Now, it is time for the remaining words to be fulfilled and they shall be.

He has spoken and He will do what He decreed. He said KAM would be known around the world. He said it was a seal that His people would go through. He said millions would come into the kingdom. He said many other amazing things. It shall be so!

As I've faithfully served the body of Christ for the past 43 years with God's PLAN of KAM I would wonder how those prophetic words could happen. 

Now, because of technology, it is easy to see how He will distribute His PLAN around the world. 

Drum roll please...

Check out the new, first-time-ever launch of the online KAM MENTORSHIP Membership. 

God is downloading fresh blueprints and anointed plans of exploits that we can accomplish for His glory. Online resources, video training, LIVE events, group and one-on-one coaching and more await those who join.


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