My reward is with me

christ's return dr judy bauer Dec 08, 2022

"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."  Revelation 22:12-13

Be ready! Jesus said He is coming again! We don't know the day or the hour, but we are to live in expectation.

  • What would you want to be found doing if today was the day?
  • What heart posture would you have?
  • What words would come from your mouth?

It's sobering to realize that life can change in a twinkling of an eye. 

Following Resurrection Sunday, Jesus walked around mentoring His followers. It was clear, He had risen; as He said He would.

Our calendar marks the ASCENSION of JESUS  on May 26, to commemorate His return to heaven.

One of His last words to His disciples and ardent followers was to go in His authority and fish for men and make disciples. He assured them that He would return again, this time with rewards for His faithful ones. Matthew 25

I was talking to a Christian at a bar-b-q last weekend. She asked what I do. A loaded question, right?  I replied that I equip the body of Christ for evangelism and discipleship. She said, "Oh, those words are almost 'dirty' words. We don't like to hear them, they make us cringe." 


To me, they are beautiful words. Jesus paid a big price for us to have the privilege of carrying on His mission, to follow in His footsteps, to please our Heavenly Father. 

How about you? What do you "feel" when you hear those words?  

Just as Jesus ascended to heaven He made it very clear that He would be returning. This time not as a lamb, but as a Warrior Lion of the Tribe of Judah! 

Be ready! He has rewards for those who heed His words to go in His name. Beautiful words spoken by an awesome God to those who have ears to hear.


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