dr judy bauer Feb 07, 2023

"...the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Galatians 5:6

Faith without love backing it up is like a child banging loudly on noisy clanging cymbals...a bunch of racket! I Corinthians 13:1

True God-like faith operates out of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

True God-like faith produces a harvest of righteousness.

Faith moves you into action.
Faith speaks lovingly even under pressure.
Faith puts its hand to the plow when all seems futile.
Faith stretches to increase in generosity in the face of opposing circumstances.
Faith is an action word. It goes beyond making positive confessions. It is not passive, hoping for someone else to fix the problem, or for God to wave a magic wand.

FAITH EXPRESSES itself through love. Selah! (Pause and think about that!)

A mustard sized seed of faith is more than enough to conquer any mountain.

The power of faith is ignited to dynamic proportions when Godly-love is expressed through actions.

Love expressed moves the unseen into the realm of the seen.

How's your love walk today?


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