His Ways

dr judy bauer help Dec 27, 2022

"You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember Your ways" Isaiah 64:5

A key to walking in God's blessings is to remember His ways. God does so many things for you. Over time, however, it's easy to forget how the Lord has come through for you.

Remembering God's ways includes not forgetting to do the right thing even when it's not convenient or you don't feel like it. God always chooses to do the right thing. In like manner, He wants His kids to imitate Him throughout each day and do the right thing even if everyone else is going in the wrong direction. II Timothy 4:2

Remembering God's ways also includes living life with gladness.

Imagine! We get to live life with Him!

Imagine! We get to live life for Him!

Imagine! We get to live life through Him.

Remembering God's ways is to know that God is always with you.

Whatever you face, God is with you. Help is on the way!

Jesus Christ, has gone before you and made a way for you. The Holy Spirit will guide you all along the way. You cannot fail when God is your source!


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