*** Once you purchase you will be directed to a form to choose which class suits your schedule best for the 10 week LIVE ONLINE sessions with Dr. Judy Bauer.
Start date: March 1, 2021
Choose: (check your time zone)
- Mondays 11 AM or 6:30 PM PST
(If you are unable to attend live, your purchase does include the BONUS of the LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS of the tools - replay library - so you can view at your convenience.)
PS: Want to save an additional $73.00? Click: Save $73 and pay in full.

A 21st Century New Testament Evangelism and Discipleship Equipper:
Judy is the Founder of Kingdom Advancement Ministries (KAM) and The Father's Family Business (FFB). Her apostolic ministry spans the globe equipping Christians with God's plan to advance His kingdom since 1979.
New Testament Evangelism and Discipleship Training (NTED) for 21st Century Christians - LIVE weekly ONLINE sessions include:
- Demonstration of all the Evangelism & Discipleship Tools.
- Plus additional prophetic words, teaching, prayer etc.
- New tool(s) each week.
- Every week is a stand-alone session so you can't "get behind" if you miss one. 😎
- Fast track your skills so you can effectively use them with confidence.
- Be a missionary for Jesus in your own back yard and around the world.
- Instant Access
- Lifetime Use
God is our source. He will make a way for you and bless you above and beyond as you step out in faith to become a skilled, anointed fisher of men and disciple maker.
*** Immediately after purchase you will be sent to a registration page to choose the class time that works for you.
BONUS # 1: Value - $1,576
THE MASTER'S Class in-depth library
Which includes:

THE MASTER'S Class - FISHERS OF MEN Video Training Courses:
- Healing
- Holy Spirit
- Your Story
- HIS Story Outline
- HIS Story Presentation
THE MASTER'S Class - DISCIPLE MAKERS Video Training Courses
- Follow Up Bible Studies Pt. 1.
- Follow Up Bible Studies Pt. 2.
- Process 4 Progress
With Additional Resources:
- The FORMULA Manual E-Book
- The BLUEPRINT Manual E-Book
- Assessments
- Class Training Materials
- Witnessing Resources
- P4P Accountability Trackers
- Reproducible Discipleship Materials
- App for your smartphone with the tools needed for ministry on-the-go.
BONUS # 2: Value - $197
NTED DEMO Replay Library
Replay of the LIVE Demonstrations each week in class.
BONUS #3: Value - $97
Memory Tips & Techniques
Discover ways to stay cool, calm and collected with these great tips and techniques.
BONUS #4: Value - $147
20 Video Series with a deeper dive into the 10 Bible lesson topics. Perfect for your own personal growth and/or for viewing with friends or small group settings.
BONUS $5: Value - $147
Actual lab sessions with new students learning how to go from preachy-teachy to conversational and relational sharing of spiritual truths.